NEW Long-lasting DRIVING Permit. I) DOCUMENT Needed TO BE Delivered BY THE Candidate:- a) Two duplicates of ongoing photos. b) Substantial CNIC duplicate with Unique. c) Substantial Unique picking up driving permit. iii) FURTHER Interaction TO BE Finished BY THE Candidate. a) To go to the gathering/data work area and get the application /clinical structures. Fill them and glue photos on each structure b) Gathering will give a meeting card to the candidate which he needs to wear constantly for security purposes. c) Go to the enrollment corridor for getting Q-Matic slip and hang tight for a call from enrollment counter. d) To go at enrollment counter contingent on long-lasting or student permit and get enlisted for a required permit on his turn when the token number is called e) Go to the clinical counter for getting clinical charges to slip for Rs.100/ - then, at that point show up...